
Satisfied or your money back Offer


Until may 15th 2023, with FarmLife, your satisfaction is guaranteed! Take the Farmlife Bouquet, No commitment! No initial investment! Satisfied or your money back !


You have EVERYTHING TO WIN to try monitoring!

Take FarmLife Bouquet:

No commitment!

No initial investment!

Satisfied or your money back !

Why Choose FarmLife Bouquet?

  • Access the 6 FarmLife services for 24/7 monitoring of your animals
  • Benefit from a lifetime warranty on all your sensors
  • No investment – ​​no cash advance
  • Equip 100% of the herd to keep an eye on all your cows and simplify collar management

>> More about Farmlife Bouquet

How to benefit from MEDRIA's "Satisfied or your money back" offer?


  •  Subscribe to a FARMLIFE bouquet between March 15 and May 15, 2023
  • Deploy FARMLIFE solutions before June 30, 2023


*The conditions of the "Satisfied or your money back" offer: It is above all a Freedom Offer - without commitment of duration. The return of the equipment will terminate the monthly subscription to FARMLIFE services, at the end of the current month. In the event of use for less than 1 year, the collars (= straps) will be invoiced at 7 €/unit. The breeder undertakes to train and invest in getting to grips with his MEDRIA solution. Technical points, telephone or physical, will take place over the period of 6 months, between the breeder and his technician - they will be repeated if necessary. The reimbursable period corresponds only to the first 6 months of use and in the event of return of equipment. The refund request cannot be made after 12.31.2023. Reimbursement made by MEDRIA Solutions in January 2024. The request must be documented and accompanied by an “Economic Simulator” specific to livestock farming – as well as a detailed written document explaining the causes of the reimbursement request.